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All Staff Requirements

These are required for any application

• Age requirements: You must be at least 13 years old to be a staff member.

• Fluency: You must be able to speak English fluently. Being able to speak other languages, such as Spanish, would be bonus points.

• Activity: You must stay active to remain on the staff team. If you are going to be inactive for an extended period of time, please be sure to alert a staff member.

• Experience: Having any experience moderating servers is extra points.

• Discord offenses: Multiple infractions in our Discord server can lessen your chances of becoming a part of the staff team.

Helper Requirements

These are required for helper applications

• Activity: You must be active weekly on the server and have knowledge about a specific gamemode that you mainly participate in.

• Support: You must stay active in the Discord server and be able to answer support tickets. You will also need to be able to help moderate chat or help players that are lost.

• Moderation: You must be able to use kick and mute commands to moderate chat and make sure that the server is kept fun for everyone.

Manager Requirements

These are required for Manager applications

• Level requirement: You must be at least chat level 10 to become a staff member.

• Support: You must stay active in the Discord server and be able to answer support tickets.

• Discord knowledge: Being knowledgeable about Discord servers helps your chances of becoming a manager.

Builder Requirements

These are required for builder applications

• Experience: You must be decent at building and have at least some experience with world editing tools or voxel/block sniping.

• Assignments: You must be able to complete assignments that are given to you in the staff server. The assignments will vary, so be prepared for anything.

Streamtuber Requirements

These are required for Streamtuber applications

• Popularity: You must have at least 100 subscribers or followers

• Views: You must have a decent number of views per video (about 1k views or more) or stream (about 5-10 consistent viewers)

• Production rate: Must be able to post a video or stream at least every 1-2 weeks on the server and promote our Discord server

Developer Requirements

These are required for developer applications

Fluency: You must have experience with PHP and/or Java for PocketMine and WaterdogPE development respectively

• GitHub: You must have a public profile on GitHub and have some projects public visible for example reviews by us

• IDE: You must be familiar with a code editor or IDE to use for development

• Code Style: You must be able to follow our code style and match it in all your work done for the server


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